恩田 陸/著 -- 筑摩書房 -- 2024.4 -- 913.6



Number of holdings 7 item(s)Current number of reservations 82 item(s)

Holding library Holding location Call No. Material code Material type Check-out type Status
Central library General reading room /F6/オ/ 1011292479 General books Can be taken out Lending
Cyoufu library General reading room /F6/オ/ 2012260150 General books Can be taken out Lending
Hikoshima library General reading room /F6/オ/ 3012272120 General books Can be taken out Reservation reserve
Book Mobile General reading room /F6/オ/2404 5012186358 General books Can be taken out Lending
Kikukawa library General reading room /F6/オ/ 6011174072 General books Can be taken out During reservation transfer
Toyoura library General reading room /F6/オ/ 8011190983 General books Can be taken out Lending
Houhoku library General reading room /F6/オ/ 9011139384 General books Can be taken out Lending

Item details

Title spring 
Author 恩田 陸 /著  
Publisher 筑摩書房
Published year 2024.4
Pages 437p
Size 20cm
NDC classification(10th edition) 913.6
Contents introduction 少年は8歳でバレエに出会い、15歳で海を渡った。同時代に巡り合う者たち、それぞれの情熱がぶつかりあい、交錯する中で彼の肖像が浮かび上がっていく-。一人の天才をめぐる長編小説。『ちくま』掲載を単行本化。
About the author 恩田 陸/著 : 宮城県出身。「夜のピクニック」で吉川英治文学新人賞、本屋大賞、「中庭の出来事」で山本周五郎賞、「蜜蜂と遠雷」で直木賞、本屋大賞を受賞。
ISBN 4-480-80516-4
ISBN 13digits 978-4-480-80516-4